Monday, 22 July 2019

Error while attempting to install Windows Server 2019 App Compatibility FOD

Windows Server 2019 now comes with the ability to install various GUI binaries into a core install of windows. This feature is really useful, but if you are in an enterprise environment with WSUS you may have trouble installing.

The error I was receiving when trying to install the pack:

Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name ServerCore.AppCompatibility~~~~

Add-WindowsCapability failed. Error code = 0x8024500c

The resolution for me was to temporarily disable WSUS on the machine.

Nutanix CE 2.0 on ESXi AOS Upgrade Hangs

AOS Upgrade on ESXi from 6.5.2 to hangs. Issue I have tried to upgrade my Nutanix CE 2.0 based on ESXi to a newer AOS version for ...