Tuesday 17 January 2017

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Templates Getting Started Guide

I've been doing some research and development work on ARM templates recently and thought I would put together a getting started guide while I was at it.

There are some great online references for ARM template creation:

Getting Started

The basics
ARM templates are JSON formatted files that describe Azure Resources. You can send the file off to Azure in a number of ways and the resources described will be implemented by the Service. ARM resources are deployed in parallel, so even complicated templates can be deployed quickly.

The ARM template is broken down into four sections: Parameters, Variables, Resources and Outputs. Only one section is actually required to have content - resources - the others help to make the templates more dynamic and flexible.

I use Visual Studio Code for creating and editing ARM templates as it has some excellent plugins which provide intellisense when creating resources. Using this means that you can just hit Ctrl+Space to get a hint at the possible resource properties on the fly. To set up VS Code for intellisense, the official guide is here.

You can also download templates from the Azure Portal to edit later. You can download templates from created resources, from the last page of the resource creation process, or even from entire resource groups.

Here is a really basic, valid ARM template to create a Storage Account. It's pretty rigid in that the storage account name is hard-coded, to fix that, parameters can be used to take user input.

ARM templates can be deployed in a number of ways: PowerShell, X-plat CLI and the Azure Portal are some common ways.

The following PowerShell code will create a Resource Group and deploy the template into it.

Taking input
The parameters section allows the template to take input. This input can be from the user at deployment time, from a parameters answer file or from another template. A basic parameter looks like this:

Storing Variables and Transforming input
The variables section is useful for holding regularly used values or for transforming input. For example in some of my templates, I use a resources prefix which is concatenated with resource names so that related resources can be seen at a glance.

The example includes a variable to apply a tag to a resource. In this example there is only a single resource, but in more complicated templates, the variable can be reused in all of the resources.

Producing Output
It can be useful to produce outputs from a template to get information on the resources that were created. In this example the DNS name assigned to the public IP is returned after deployment. Outputs can also be used in chained templates.

Creating multiple copies of a resource
A really powerful feature of ARM templates is the copy loop. This means you can create multiple, identical copies of specific resources in your template. For example you can create 3 copies of a VM using one code block. When you use a copy loop, you can reference the copyIndex() function in order to generate unique names for resources. In the following example, there is a simple copy loop to generate 3 public IPs. 

Using arrays in loops
Arrays can be combined with the copy loop in order to name resources with a list of predefined or runtime input names. In the example, the array is generated as a parameter and then indexed using the copyIndex() function. The count of the copy property can be set to the length of the array so that all array elements are indexed dynamically.

Running scripts in VMs using the extension resource
A nice part of Azure Resource Manager is the ability to add virtual machine extensions. One such extension is the script extension which allows the Resource Manager service to run scripts inside a virtual machine. No external access is required to the virtual machine since Azure executes the script for you. Scripts need to be hosted on an accessible web server or storage account. If there is any sensitive information in the script you should use storage keys and a key vault to access the script privately from the template. The following example just runs a publicly accessible script in the virtual machine 'myVirtualMachine'.

Linking to other templates for complex solutions
Chaining templates is super useful for creating complex solutions. For instance you can create a template to build an availability group of VMs, then call that template from another template with the copy loop and parameters to build multi-tier applications. 

I have a full implementation of this on my GitHub, the implementation will loop through several templates and create multiple availability groups and VMs. Be careful if you run this as it will spawn a lot of resources.

Here is the 'master' template which calls the other templates in the solution:

And here are all the resources it creates!

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