Sysprep already exists when trying to deploy machines with New-QVWComputer
New-QVWComputer : A SysPrep customization with the name
[SERVERNAME] already exists.
At C:\Scripts\MyScript.ps1:78 char:12
+ $NewVMs += New-QVWComputer -ComputerGroup $InactiveGroup -Farm
$Farms `
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:)
[New-QVWComputer], ValidationRuleException`1
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId :
Quest.vWorkspace.BusinessLayer, Version=8.6.308.2000, Culture=neutral,
● Run SQL Server Management Studio on your database server
Find the vWorkspace database
● Find the dbo.DmSyspreps table
Right Click on the table > Edit Top 200 Rows
Right Click in the right hand pane > Pane > SQL
Add “WHERE (SysprepName = 'SERVERNAME')” to the end of
the query
Right click > Execute SQL
Change the sysprep name of the machine which wasn’t fully
deleted. I cancelled the provisioning task which meant it wasn’t cleaned up
from the DB. It should be safe to delete the line, but I wanted to make sure
all was OK when doing it.
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