Store a credential to a file in Powershell
In Powershell you can use SecureString to store a password for a user
account. Once saved, the encrypted password can be decrypted by the same
Windows user for later use.
This is handy if you need to supply a PSCredential object to
a cmdlet in a scheduled script.
To store the credential, enter the username and password
into a PSCredential object while logged into the user account which will be
used to execute the script.
= Get-Credential
Once you have the object, convert the password from a secure
string and output to a file
| ConvertFrom-SecureString | Out-File .\credentialpw.bin -enc ASCII
Once the password is in the file, you can re-import the
password to a credential object as follows.
= "myuser"
= Get-Content .\credentialpw.bin | ConvertTo-SecureString
= New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential($userName,$secPassword)
The $newCredential object can now be used to pass to a
If you try to use the password file as a different Windows
user, the password file cannot be converted to a SecureString:
Keep in mind that the password as a securestring object can
be reversed back to plain text, so this should not be used to keep the password
safe from the user account it is stored by.
= [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($secPassword)
= [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR)
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