Friday, 16 September 2016

SQL datatype conversion error when trying to deploy machines with New-QVWComputer

SQL datatype conversion error when trying to deploy machines with New-QVWComputer

New-QVWComputer : The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.
At C:\MyScript.ps1:78 char:12
+ $NewVMs += New-QVWComputer -ComputerGroup $InactiveGroup -Farm $Farms `
+            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [New-QVWComputer], SqlException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException,Quest.vWorkspace.PowerShell.Infrastructure.NewQvwComputerCommand

The command works when using a different template. Template dates have been screwy in vWorkspace when deploying using the powershell commandlets and I think this is the same root cause.

I’m assuming that the error is because the SQL back end is trying to parse a UK date string as a US datetime object and failing to do so correctly.

Hopefully changing the modified date will allow the SQL back end to parse the date (incorrectly) and will allow the deployment to work. I intend to change to a date which will parse as a US format date ie. Not greater than day 12 of any month.

This Dell link hints at a similar problem and suggests a workaround on the broker machines.

$file = get-item TEMPLATENAME.vhdx
$file.LastWriteTime = $newDate.AddDays(-5) #Works out as 10/09/2016

Once the date is updated, import the template

 After updating the template the New-QVWComputer command will now deploy from the template.

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