SQL datatype conversion error when trying to deploy machines with New-QVWComputer
New-QVWComputer : The conversion of a varchar data type to a
datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.
At C:\MyScript.ps1:78 char:12
+ $NewVMs += New-QVWComputer -ComputerGroup $InactiveGroup -Farm
$Farms `
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:)
[New-QVWComputer], SqlException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId :
The command works when using a different template. Template
dates have been screwy in vWorkspace when deploying using the powershell
commandlets and I think this is the same root cause.
I’m assuming that the error is because the SQL back end is
trying to parse a UK date string as a US datetime object and failing to do so
Hopefully changing the modified date will allow the SQL back
end to parse the date (incorrectly) and will allow the deployment to work. I
intend to change to a date which will parse as a US format date ie. Not greater
than day 12 of any month.
This Dell link hints at a similar problem https://support.software.dell.com/vworkspace/kb/142232
and suggests a workaround on the broker machines.
= get-item TEMPLATENAME.vhdx
= $newDate.AddDays(-5) #Works out as 10/09/2016
Once the date is updated, import the template
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